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crusade against造句

"crusade against"是什么意思  
  • He was a militant idealist who crusaded against racial bigotry by growing faint in its presence .
  • He carried on a one - man crusade against disease
  • They are constantly crusading against drunkenness
  • 98 a dwarf cleric declares a holy crusade against ores
  • The hugely influential conservative author of “ the purpose - driven life ” , a multimillion - selling tome , has embarked on a crusade against aids
  • His second proposition was a crusade against the supreme court of the united states because of the dred scott decision , urging as an especial reason for his opposition to that decision that it deprived the negroes of the rights and benefits of that clausein the constitution of the united states which guarantees to the citizens of each state all the rights , privileges , and immunities of the citizens of the several states
  • It's difficult to see crusade against in a sentence. 用crusade against造句挺难的
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